Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What is an avatar ?

The question is if second life like a virtual world bring cose to spituality or on the contrary. We will try a kind of hermeneutic analisys of the SL fenomen tryng to decriptate sacre camuflated in profan. Let’s try to see what is beyond technology. It is a trend ? Which are the tendencyes ? We are closer to the target or oposite ? It is more Babel or more esperanto ?
In the center of a virtual world like second life is the avatrar. The word means a special incarnation of Universal Spirit when spiritual life rich a certain level of decadence on earth. Avatar apear to bring again original models, to bring acord with natural low armony betwin individual and cosmic life. Like an expresion of Supreme Self this bring again the blueprint of creation in Earths planes.
The word avatar is semnificative and fit becouse this is a projection of Self of individual. Is a person in which we project souls atribute. Avatar is a projection of Self. Avatar has self atributes becouse it is pure information. You can give it and remain with it or you can even increase it by giving.
Avatars has a profile which is like a credo and this is a way to give information which with few links can be very extensive.
Like Spirit in Gita an avatar can not be cuted, burned or killed. He is not touched by weapons, is imortal. Avatar is forever young and beautiful becouse we are so in our deep self beautiful, pure and imortal beings .
The way of Avatar is a the way to our Self. Truth avatar we actualize our self, we realize qualityes, atributes. Our avatar har in SL unlimited powers: can dance untired, can fly, can teleport himself with the speed of tought wherever in SL. He can transform himself physicaly in seconds, can have any physical characteristics like for examples wings, and we thing is significan the fact that wings are the most used accesory in SL. This underline the fact that avatar’s blueprint is in our spirit, in our higher self.
Any person can actualize in him the qualities of an historic avatar like , spiritual personality of histoy, or saviour and avtars from virtual worlds seem to be nothing but tools for that goal.

I peronaly understand more easily the story of Khisna and Gopis becous trouth my avatra I accesed the beauty of that „transcendental past times” dancing with countless young girls like transcendental couple Radha Khrisna in edenic places from second life which are virtual images of Vrndavana forest. I teleported my self in edenic places, danced untired and lived beautiful feelings which only the inner child can give to us.
I think is great idea to reproduce in our terms hystoric or mythic places like Vrndavana forest.
Love feelings in SL have a greater chance to be pure, platonic, transcendental becouse with a ideal projection of spirit you feel something regarding another ideal projection of another spirit. And this feeling is ideal a projection of the greatest good in you. In every avatar toward which we have feelings of love we, in fact, project our animus and anima. Another anlogy between Spirit ans SL world can be the fact that your initial, by default avatar is asexuate so we can say androgenous.
In Gita Absolute Spirit is named :those with multiple forms”. And at the basis of that forms Spirit is eternaly unchanged. Like that in SL our avatar can take any form, can change his apearance with amazing speed and even at another level user is unchanged, identic with his self, waching silent transformations which take place at the level of our avatar. We are unchanged witness of our avatra transformations like our Self is the silent witness of our body transformations. We are a kind of supreme Self for our avatar.
Virtual worlds like Second Life are projections of origins or paradise nostalgia, we all have as Mircea Eliade discovered. For this reasons probably many locations in SL are small heavens or at least have heavenly charcteristics.
Another spiritual dimension of avatars in second life is his huge creative power. In his world he can create object and matter form nothing as legenfary sage from Ramaina started to create a new universe. SL give this creation power to the people.

But is this creation real ? Of course, this is the most important phase of creation process. In order to create you must have a detailed plan. As Covey said things are creted two times. First they are created mentaly in our spirit and SL is a ideal tool for that.
In SL we can project definitions for creations in RL. SL can be seen like an tool for project management becouse when you have a project you must be able to see, ti visualize, to describe all functional details. To imagine as this is real and this becouome a magical power becouse magic is defined like „do ut des” to behave like already exist, is your. And this the main advice of manifestation courses: to imagine a thing with a vivid imagination like this is already yours, real, material. And this will be. Is just a metter of time. SL is more powerful becouse involve feelings, sounds, colors and 3D images.
In SL you can make prototipes for RL things and let them manifest in time. An is also a societal creattivity becouse milions of minds will make something from SL to be some day in RL manifested.
Bill Gates said that Internet is the nervous system of the planet. We live arevolution in which we can create that gigantic brain for the planet. With every conexion, and now is time for social web, we create a neuronal conexion, increase societal inteligence.
And in SL conexional capacity increase more by his powers, he can fly, teleport himself, cand join in seconds at new interest groups. In Sl peoples are closer in spite of cultural, color , religion or political diferencies.
We have an opinion that a mail mesage, or IM or avatars comunication is not real comunication becouse in comunication between two real persons exist a high degree of nonverbal language an fields interaction. Our fields interact and transmit information which senses can not capture. It is true but is true that man is also conected to a unified field, causal body in initiatic works. Maybe in comunication between avatars information exchange at that level in stimulated.
Is SL a kind of zen and the art of archer in which we close the eys of perception to corporal language and to biofields signal in order to her better the signal fron Unified Field.
We are misssing suport for comunication truth biofields or in absence of the noise from that level we can hear very well the signal of Unified Field truth wich we all are conected between us and with other beings from univers.
Join SL Force be with you

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